POLYHYL® 1.4% and POLYHYL® 1.6% are sterile, pyrogen-free, viscoelastics preparation made from highly purified sodium hyaluronate with a high molecular weight.
HPMC (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose) is a sterile, isotonic solution with viscoelastic properties and thus belongs to the field of viscoelastics
Non-absorbable viscoelastic solution, highly purified and non-inflammatory, isotonic, sterile and non-pyrogenic, for intraocular injection.
AJL BLUE 0.06% is an ophthalmic sterile trypan blue solution, intraocular and biocompatible used in ophthalmic surgery of the anterior segment.
Sterile, physiological irrigation solution for ophthalmic procedures.
Tamponade agent for retinal detachment.